March 23, 2011

Fabulous Wedding Websites To Check Out

For weeks my brother has been bothering me to check out I don’t know if any of you readers have ever visited the website but I decided to stumble upon wedding stuff… These are some awesome sites and things that I found:

Anthropologie is creating a bridal line!

That’s right—the store that we all love is launching a bridal line this spring! Anthro will be selling jewelry, dresses, and bridal inspired household items! Vintage wedding gowns will range in price from $750 to $5000. Not only are they launching a site but they will also be opening bridal stores in some cities.

Love & Lavender
This is a website created by two women that love everything about weddings! The site is a summary of inspirations, projects, and weddings that they wish to share with you! As I searched through this site I found a blog called “Ceremony Signs” and fell in love! Check out the link for some really awesome and creative photographs at different weddings!

TOMS Shoes are Walking Down the Aisle
We have all heard about TOMS shoes and their movement to provide outside countries with shoes. They have a great idea “one for one”, this means that for every pair of shoes sold TOMS will give away one pair of shoes to someone that needs it. Since the TOMS movement they have added wedges, apparel, botas, and now a wedding styles collection too!
You can buy men and women shoes for weddings. They are nicer styles, fabric, and come in different classy varieties. Sizes and styles are available for all roles in your wedding party whether it be bridesmaids, groomsman, the flower girl or the ring bearer. Now not only can you purchase the shoes to help the TOMS movement but you can also turn it into your wedding theme.

TOMS has created a “tool kit” to help you include TOMS in your wedding. On their website they provide you with ready-to-print place seating cards, table number cards, double sided post cards, and invitation inserts!
There are so many outside the box things that can turn your wedding experience into a one unlike any other!

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