April 19, 2010

Summer Solstice Party

Hi Everyone and welcome back to the blog. Here in Flagstaff, the sun was shining all weekend and the weather was nothing short of fantastic. I got to spend all day Saturday making my front yard presentable, clearing away the leaves and cleaning up trash that obviously came in on a wind gust and was trapped for months under our 12 feet of snow. Now that the snow is melting, and the front yard is fixed up, I can concentrate all my evenings and weekends on the backyard and getting everything ready for the Summer Solstice party.

The Annual Summer Solstice Party is by far my favorite party of the year. There is nothing that brings me greater joy than bringing together all my friends and family to enjoy perfect weather, great food and a good time.

This year’s Summer Solstice Party is going to be the best one to date. (okay, I say that every year – and every year I’m right!!!) It’s only April, so I do have some time and time is one thing a planner will consider a gift. I’ve got a few months to continue with the backyard and more than likely I’ll be “redecorating” right up to the moment people arrive. So, what am I doing a few months out? Here’s my list for this week:

1. Make guest list and design invitations. I haven’t decided if I want to mail them out, use facebook, use email or a combination. My first choice is to go to About Memories and More and let Kirstin help me design the perfect invite, spend a few evenings putting them together and then mailing them out. While this is my first pick, I don’t have everyone’s address and I don’t want them to think I’m only inviting them “after the fact”. So, I either have to get everyone’s addresses and thankfully there is enough time, or email everyone.

2. I’m trying to envision how I want the party to look. Now, I’d love to have fresh cut flowers everywhere, but my gardens won’t be producing “cut” flowers until August, and I’d rather invest in perennials than flower arrangements. Last year I had a total garden theme even using terra cotta planters to hold food. BTW – if you soak the terra cotta in ice cold water for an hour before serving it will help keep your food cold. But the lining of the pots was time consuming.

3. Next I’m thinking about the menu. I’ve already gotten requests for some of the appetizers and I know Satchmos BBQ is always a hit, so food I can wait until June to work on.

4. Seating – This is always a challenge with a party. If you make sure everyone can sit and enjoy their food, then you run the risk of everyone clumping into groups. I try to have seating vignettes throughout the yard and that way people can still mingle. I’ll have to visit the budget for this one.

5. Entertainment – do we all mingle which is always fun, and I try to have some great outdoor games available and set up, but do I want to go DJ and possibly have dancing? Again, I must check the budget and make sure it’s the feel for the event.

Well, these are just a few of the things I’m working on for the party – next time I’ll bring in more things to consider.



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